Dedicated Page to overview the entire performance of your Franchisees.
As we grow bigger, our needs change. We are aware that with large volumes, some customisations are sometimes necessary. Our Franchises' Department is in charge of reflecting all the small particularities that will make Rental Ninja your tailor-made tool.
The main purpose of a large company or a Franchise is to unify and customize ther image, quality standards, and sense of uniqueness towards all players; their staff, but also their stakeholders, owners and guests.
Dedicated Page to overview the entire performance of your Franchisees.
Yes, you can have Rental Ninja for your company's franchisees as our own environment. Your logo. Your colors. Your URLs.
Build a robust process and purpose. Spread the word and network your way up. Rental Ninja will have your back all the way through
You want it, but..? We can touch a few keys and make it Boutique for you
No limits
Rental Ninja has no roof on Rentals Management capacity. "IT" will never fail.
Reach out to each person involved, globally, while being deeply connected and offering a granular access to each