Manage all your guests’ messages from your Smart Inbox.

Let them say whatever, just keep smiling

You no longer need to log into each of your OTAs,  and to each of your accounts to fetch your guests’ messages, nor to reply to them. 

An Airbnb guest asking about the Check-in process? You got it right here.

And what happens if it's from Booking or from VRBO? those too!

By the way, you will find all related timeline events, within each booking, chronologically ordered, interspersed with internal comments and your conversation with the guest. It’ll then be SO easy for you -or anyone in charge of your inbox- to track the status of all bookings.

And... - don't let them hear us, but... - do you get tired of always answering the same questions? Let someone else do the thinking!

We’ve got you covered on that too!... Yes, it’s another gem from our wonderful mini ninjas. There’s so much they’ve done for us that we’ll soon have to build a statue in their honor, won't we?

Well, it turns out that if you want, our AI will interpret your guests’s message, and write FOR you what to answer. Don’t panic. As always, when we talk about implementing AI, we want it to make sense, be safe, and still protect your privacy and ownership. And it does. Because we have prepared it as we told you the other day. Explaining everything to it.

You decide if you send it for good; you tweak it a bit before sending; or you don't send it at all. As always, the power and control is at your hands.

Ah, a small matter of little importance; if your guest writes to you in Japanese, (either because he is from there or because he wants to tease you), you shouldn’t worry, the translator is part of the game.

Come on, we continue with the traditional “... and that's not all, ladies and gentlemen”! You can also ask it to give you some advice about the surroundings, the Check-out or anything related to the Rental’s Information (Preset topics). That’s because it features templates on steroids, i.e. dynamic templates… Oh my… what a mess, right?

Last but not least, -this is a plus plus, because our guys are on fire:


Ask or summarize in a couple words whatever you want it to explain or write to a guest (Custom Instructions).

That’s right, you can for example say..; “explain the check-in process, how to get to the property, or summarize the house rules”. And it’ll neatly lay it out for you to just hit the “send” button. 

I’m lucky to have been using it for a few days and I swear I am speechless… Aren’t you? Otherwise wait until you try it.

In the end, you just have to try it: Check your Inbox or your Bookings list, look for the New message icon notice. 

Click to read, play and have fun!

Sorry, I forgot to mention! As a side note, when it comes to AI-generated answers and translations, we keep loyal to our policy of being almost excessively ridiculous. 

Yes, a price that scratches the ....¡0!

You finally have the tool to answer all your Guests' queries in an intelligent and almost automatic way. 

This almost rivals the Tesla that takes you home while you take a nap! Does it work yet?

Because the idea remains the same:

Simple functionalities

Flexible functionalities

Functionalities that solve problems

A ninja hug

Manage all your guests’ messages from your Smart Inbox.

Maria Batlló

Rental Ninja